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Available Online

Heart Wall Session

Release Your Heart Wall

20 min
65 US dollars
Zoom Session

Service Description

A Heart Wall is a protection mechanism created over time to help shield your heart from emotional pain. This wall is made of trapped emotions. There can be anywhere from 7-25 emotions that make up this shield. Generally, we can release them all in one session, but sometimes we're not able to. When this is the case, I will release as many as possible during our session and then complete the rest within the next week with an email session. Releasing a Heart Wall can help you connect more to others and allow you to experience a greater sense of belonging and openness. It can also help The Belief Code be more effective. Please make sure to be well-hydrated before our session and have at least 16oz of lemon water on hand during the session.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule, please contact me at least 24 hours before the appointment.

Contact Details

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