All over the world, thousands upon thousands are finding relief and are healing from illnesses we were told would be lifelong. I’m so grateful that I am one of these people! I healed Hashimotos disease using the Medical Medium information. This information offers answers to health issues long left unresolved. Applying this knowledge along with determination and commitment has the potential to reverse illness. There are countless sick people who have felt left behind, forgotten about, tucked away in our homes unable to really live life. Thank God, we know have the tools we need to get our lives back!
My own journey to optimal health has been decades in the making. From a young age, I started exhibiting symptoms like anxiety, depression, lack of focus, tiredness, and irritability. In my 20s I also began to experience some brain fog, fatigue and more intense anxiety. It wasn’t until my early 30s that I received a Hashimoto Thyroiditis diagnosis. While this did initially seem to explain some things, I later realized there were still no answers for me. I didn’t know what caused Hashimotos and there were certainly no real solutions that I could find to heal from it. Most autoimmune diseases such as this one are a life-long sentence – or so we are told. I knew that if I healed Hashimotos disease, I would be an exception to this rule.
I wasn’t Getting Answers
After my Hashimotos diagnosis, I was able to cope some at first by adopting a Paleo Diet. Initially, some of these changes helped because I was bringing in more whole foods and less chemicals and additives. But, the Paleo Diet no longer helped after experiencing a profound and traumatic event. After this crisis, everything changed for me. My body was in constant stress. This resulted in my illness increasing to an unfathomable level. My symptoms got worse and a whole new slew of symptoms I didn’t even know existed began and were often with me 24/7.
Intuitively, I had sensed that I could heal from illness through using food as medicine. I knew that I could heal Hashimotos, along with my mystery neurological symptoms. Gluten had already been removed from my diet, along with so many other foods – some of which I later realized were actually healing foods. I ended up cutting out all dairy and even nightshades and seeds for a period of time. After developing a reaction every time I’d eat eggs, I finally cut those out too. The Autoimmune Protocol Diet also didn’t offer relief. I later realized that eliminating fruit from my diet was actually a huge pitfall – as it’s actually quite essential to health. I was afraid it would feed candida and trigger my condition and symptoms to worsen.
Alternative Medicine wasn’t Helping
Interestingly, when illness hit me the hardest, I was in school to become a Doctor of Natural Medicine. The training I received wasn’t of much use. Nor was the slew of alternative modalities and remedies. Though I had been on my quest for answers for some time prior to becoming that ill, finding answers ended up becoming my 24/7 job. However, my cognition was severely impaired making it incredibly challenging to take in information. I had difficulty coping literally from moment to moment.
It’s really hard to capture just how difficult things at my sickest. Some examples of symptoms I experienced were extreme chemical sensitivities, constant anxiety often w/panic, perpetual extreme fatigue, racing heart (at rest), extreme malaise, severe prolonged insomnia, perpetual brain fog, food sensitivities, severe menstrual pain, extreme tightness and inflammation throughout the body, constant buzzing and pulsating sensations throughout my body, heightened sensitivity in every sense.
I Healed Hashimotos Disease with Medical Medium
During this time, I spent years educating myself on supplements and various alternative healing methods and after digging and searching and researching and experimenting. I spent thousands going to a functional medicine doctor, among many more practitioners. Finally, after much heartache and years searching, I found the answers I sought. After receiving an Epstein Barr Virus diagnosis, a friend of mine suggested The Medical Medium to me. With nothing to lose, I jumped right in.
Not only did this information immediately help put major missing puzzle pieces together for me, it also informed me that I could fully heal and get my life back! I had the ability to see what was holding me back from healing and what my path forward looked like. I learned that I didn’t have to deal with my symptoms for the rest of my life. In addition, I found out that my body wasn’t attacking itself! How empowering! I actually felt understood and inspired for the first time in many years. I sensed that I could absolutely heal. Through this information and my exceptional mentor and friend, I found my way back to true health.
I Help Heal Hashimotos and More!
It’s been three years since I started living the Medical Medium lifestyle, and I’ve now healed Hashimotos. I’m now 39 and stronger and more vital and happier than ever before. There is SO much Medical Medium information out there. It is truly a blessing for those who are suffering from chronic illness. As an Intuitive Health Coach, I now draw upon the plethora of information to help guide others on their healing journey. The benefits of working with someone like me is that you don’t have to sift through all the Medical Medium books and blogs and podcasts, to really get clear on the path forward. I know just how draining and challenging that can be when your energy and functioning are low. I help you distill down the information in a way that is digestible and easy to integrate into your life.
If you have tried it all, but haven’t tried this path, you’re in for a surprise. I hope you’re ready because working this path can get you the results you’re looking for if you stay committed to your healing and remain open to the changes you’ll experience. Feel free to schedule a call with me to see if I can help you on your healing journey at But, no matter where your path takes you, may you find true health.
If you are interested in finding out more about Medical Medium, check out of one his 6 published books, or his podcast or his extensive blog.
To learn more about the benefits of detox to help the body heal, check out this post of mine.